

GPU Nākotne


GPU Nākotne

Description LV

Mēs izmantojām klienta uzņēmuma nosaukumu vieglai vārdu spēlei. "Nākotne" ražo ļoti gardus un ļoti latviskus produktus un plāno to darīt arī nākotnē. Balstoties uz šo faktu, mēs secinājām, ka tagadne jau ir garšīga un nākotne noteikti būs tāda pati. Tāpēc katru reizi, kad domājot par nākotni, tevi kaut kas satrauct, atceries vienkāršu patiesību - nākotne ir garšīga. Kampaņas klipos mēs radījām situācijas, kurās viens no klipa varoņiem ir mazliet nobažījies par nākotni, bet pārējie viņu mierina ar kampaņas frāzi "Par nākotni nav jārunā, nākotni ir jāēd".


In Latvian "Nākotne" means future and it is also the name of a major meat processing company, which inherited its name from soviet time collective farm called “Nākotne” / “Future”. The name of the company was used to create a catchy word play in the video. Nākotne produces very tasty and typical Latvian meat products and is planning to do so also in the future. Based on that we can state, that present is already tasty and future definitely will be tasty as well. So whenever you are worried about the future, just remember that "Future" is tasty. Videos were built around social situations where one of the heroes is worried about future, but other / others, calm him down saying the catchphrase "Don’t talk about the future, eat the "future".

