Mintos. Build your financial future

Mintos. Build your financial future
Mintos. Build your financial future
Description LV
Mintos ir inovatīva un strauji augoša investīciju platforma, un pasaulei tas ir jāzina!
Taču finanšu industrija ir tik pārsātināta ar reklāmu, kas sola tūlītējus rezultātus.
No A līdz Z mēs izmantojām visus burtus, lai izveidotu skaidru un godīgu stāstu, šoreiz ar vizuāli minimalistiskāku pieeju.
Mintos is an innovative investment platform that is rapidly growing and the world needs to know it!
But the financial industry is saturated with advertising, which promises you instant gain.
From A-Z, we used all letters to create another clear and bold story for the world, this time – with a more minimalistic approach.