Horeca Development Group SIA
Horeca Development Group SIA
Slavenību piepildītais restorāns L’Avenue, kas atrodas Baku, Azerbaidžānā, veido kulinārijas vēsturi, paceļot ēdienu pasniegšanas latiņu, vienlaikus radot izcilu ēdienu. Kopā ar viesmīlības uzņēmuma mārketinga komandu radījām zīmola identitāti ar tādu pašu uzmanību kā veidots pats restorāns.
Papildinot logo un grafikas, tika izmantoti tikai augstākās kvalitātes drukas materiāli un akcenti, lai atspoguļotu restorāna meistarību un kvalitāti. Ar zelta akcentiem uz tumši zaļa papīra, ēdienkarte papildina eleganto restorāna baudījumu Kaspijas jūras krastā.
"Art of the Menu" (UnderConsideration) restorānu L'Avenue nosauca par gada 2. labāko restorāna zīmolu. Kā arī, L'Avenue vizuālā identitāte tika iekļauta grāmatā "Brandlife: Restaurants & Bars" (Victionary).
Izmantotie papīri: Arjowiggins Keaykolour Holly, Munken Polar Rough. Poligrāfijas tehnoloģijas: sietspiede, digitālā druka, reljefspiede, folijspiede.
Celebrity-filled restaurant L’Avenue located in Baku, Azerbaijan is making culinary history by upping the standard for fine dining service while putting out remarkable food. We worked with the hospitality company's marketing team to create a brand identity with the same level of thought and craft as went into creating the restaurant itself.
To compliment the simple wordmark and graphics, only the highest quality printing materials and accents are used to reflect the craftsmanship and quality of the restaurant. With gold accents against dark green paper, the menus set the scene for an elegant experience on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
"Art of the Menu" by UnderConsideration listed L’Avenue as the 2nd best restaurant brand of the year. L'Avenue visual identity was also included in the book "Brandlife: Restaurants & Bars" by Victionary.
Papers used: Arjowiggins Keaykolour Holly, Munken Polar Rough. Printing technologies: screen-printing, digital printing, embossing, foil-stamping.