CORE Terapija
Titelbild zu CORE Terapija


CORE Terapija - fitnesa un labsajūtas studija


CORE Terapija - fitness and wellness studio

Description LV

CORE TERAPIJA izstrādājām: logotipu, vizuālo identitāti, interjera un navigācijas elementus, lietvedības materiālu dizainu, grafisko dizainu, mājaslapas dizainu.
Grafisko identitāti raksturo kodols jeb “core”, to CORE TERAPIJA logotipā atspoguļo aplis. Izstrādājot dažādus logotipa variantus, mēs nonācām pie secinājuma, ka nereti vienkāršas un askētiskas formas vislabāk spēs nodot zīmola ideju par labsajūtas studiju un cilvēku centrā.
Zīmola krasas atsaucas uz Rietumu pasaules klasiskajiem elementiem– ūdeni, uguni, zemi un gaisu. Izmantojam krāsu pārejās, kas simbolizē plūdumu un mieru. Krāsu pārejas ir zīmola vizuālās komunikācijas viens no pamatelementiem. Otrs pamatelements ir musturi, kas ir estētiski pievilcīgi un rada dinamiku, atgādinot, ka uz CORE TERAPIJU Tu nāc strādāt ar savu ķermeni, lai gūtu kā fizisko, tā arī emocionālo labsajūtu. Musturu CORE TERAPIJA lieto gan digitālajā un drukātajā vidē, gan telpās, lai elegantā veidā akcentētu zīmola vizuālās identitātes klātbūtni.


For CORE TERAPIJA, we have developed: brand logo, visual identity and graphic design, interior and signage elements, stationary design, website design.
The graphic identity of the brand in the logo is characterized by a circle. In our opinion, it is exactly the case when simple and ascetic forms would best convey the brand's idea of well-being and people as the focus of attention.
The brand's colors refer to the classic elements of the Western world – water, fire, earth and air. We have included them in the color gradients, which symbolize fluidity and peace. Gradients are one of the key elements of a brand's visual communication. The second key element is patterns that are aesthetically pleasing and create dynamism, reminding you that CORE TERAPIJA guides people in their work with body for both physical and emotional well-being. The CORE TERAPIJA logo is used in both digital and print environments as well as indoors to emphasize the brand's visual identity in an elegant way.
