Vides Risinājumu Institūts
Institute for Environmental Solutions
Fotosesija recepšu grāmatai "Pļava" bija interesanta un izaicinoša pieredze. Mēs vēlējāmies, lai attēli ir īsti, garšīgi un tai pat laikā, lai izceļas katrs receptes elements atsevišķi. Lai panāktu vēlamo efektu katru recepti fotografējām izmantojot trīs stikla kārtas. Tā tika iegūta mazliet levitējošā un dinamiskā recepšu uzbūve. Lielākais izaicinājums bija nofotografēt visus grāmatai nepieciešamos augus. Augu retums, atbilstība noteiktiem gadalaikiem un mainīgie Latvijas laikasptākļi padarīja šo procesu par gandrīz trīs gadus garu projektu.
The photo shoot for the recipe book "Pļava" was an interesting and challenging experience. We wanted to create photos that would look tasty, yet realistic. We were also looking for a way to make all the ingredients stand out. To get this effect we did all the photo-shoots on three underlying layers of glass. This helped us to achieve a feeling of slight levitation and make the recipe photos look a touch more dynamic. The biggest challenge was to shoot all the herbs we wanted. It was a time consuming process because of the rarity of some herbs, seasonal changes and unreliable Latvian weather conditions. Thus the project became almost a three-year shooting and styling marathon.