Botāniskais ūdensdārzs "Stāsti par ziediem"
Titelbild zu Botāniskais ūdensdārzs "Stāsti par ziediem"


Skudras metropole


Skudras metropole

Description LV

Veca, aizmirsta siltumnīca tika nopludināta ar ūdeni radot krāšņu ūdensdārzu, kur vakaros gastronomiskās performances laikā, klavierkoncerta pavadībā uzplauka gigantiskiem ziedi. Galdi tika veidoti kā ūdenskritumi no veciem dēļiem. Performances laikā vide un galdi transformējās vairākas reizes. Aktieri radīja stāstus par ziediem, kas sasaucās ar pasniegšanas veidiem. Performancē tika izmantoti organiski produkti un parādīts kā ziedus, kukaiņus un dabas veltes izmantot mūsdienu modernajā virtuvē. Ūdensdārzā izzinošas lekcijas un meistarklases tika veidotas ar vadošajiem speciālistiem nozarēs -dārzkopība, puķkopība, gastronomija, konditoreja. Apmeklētāji, tika iesaistīti uzdevumos, kas veicināja plašāku skatu uz videi draudzīgāmnorisēm. Ūdendārzā tika organizēti arī team buildingi un meditatīvi koncerti, kad apmeklētāji, iemērcot kājas ūdenī, varēja baudīt ziedu kokteiļus no ziedošiem puķu podiem.


An old, forgotten greenhouse was flooded with water to create a gorgeous water garden, where gastronomic performances accompanied by a piano concert saw gigantic flowers bloom in the evenings.

The tables were made into waterfalls with the help of old boards. During the performance, the environment and tables were transformed several times. Actors were creating stories about flowers matching the food being served. During the performance, organic products were used, showcasing how flowers, insects and nature’s offerings could be used in contemporary cuisine. Lectures and masterclasses at the aquatic garden were organized in cooperation with leading specialists in horticulture, floriculture, gastronomy, and confectionery. Patrons were involved in activities that broadened the view on environmentally friendly events. Teambuilding events and meditative concerts were also organized at the water garden, where the patrons could enjoy flower cocktails from flowering flower pots.